The Ecology Centre
Inspring positive change through directly connecting people and the natural environment for the benefit of both
With 25 years under its belt, The Ecology Centre has a long history of working towards its twin goals of environmentalism and wellbeing. Based in Kinghorn, The Ecology Centre (TEC) started its days as the Craigencalt Farm Ecology Centre, based out of old farm buildings on the far side of the loch, with a polytunnnel and gardens tucked into the hillside. They were cattycorner to the original Earthship Fife (which has since been removed), and together they served as a real bastion for environmentalism well before these crucial issues were taken as seriously as they are today. In 2015, TEC moved over to the other side of the loch and onto a new site, adding additional buildings and land to their portfolio. Now sitting proudly at the end of a long drive, the eco-friendly centre, housing the centre’s office, a Cafe, the toolshed and various other meeting spaces, holds pride of place on the banks of Kinghorn Loch.
Many thanks to Ben and Stevie for taking me on a tour of their community growing spaces at TEC. Ben is relatively new to the organisation, and runs the community market garden in his role as Market Garden Development Officer. With the use of two polytunnels, raised beds and a large open greenspace, and with the help of weekly volunteers, they grow food for use in the on-site cafe.
Stevie has been with TEC both as a volunteer and an employee since before the new site opened back in 2015. He looks after the wider grounds, which range from ponds to woodlands and everything in-between. The entire site is publicly accessible and nature-friendly, which requires a lot of upkeep, maintenance and development. Stevie also uses volunteer hours to help maintain the site, particularly on a Wednesday when adults with additional support needs and their carers are especially welcome.
The Ecology Centre’s main volunteering day falls on a Wednesday, and new volunteers are always welcome. Lunch is served at £1 per head, and its a great opportunity to try out a range of volunteering activities. Ben and Stevie are always keen to welcome more volunteers so please get in touch!
Many thanks to the whole team for the warm welcome. I can especially recommend a visit to The Ecology Centre in these dark and dreary winter months – with a lovely cup of coffee from the cafe, clear and well marked paths and a variety of natural settings to enjoy, it makes for a lovely winter’s day out.