Let's Get Started!

person holding a colourful bunch of rainbow chard in their hand

Just a quick little blog post to welcome you to our new site!

Although this might been the first you’ve seen or heard of FCGN, we’ve been working behind the scenes since spring 2023 to prepare for this very moment: we are live!

And because this may be the first you’ve heard of us, let us walk you through what we’ve been up to over the past few months:

Securing funding

In the spring, we applied for and received funding from FirstPort. They’re an organisation that supports people starting new social enterprises. We’ve used this funding to help with all the particular ins and outs of starting a new organisation – it’s been amazing!

The Small Print

Working with our amazing solicitor Karina from ÀRACHAS³ (they’re a social enterprise, check them out!), we’ve written our Articles of Association (two, in fact, but more on that at a later date) and registered the business with Companies House. We’ve applied for charitable status, been approved for a business bank account, gotten accounting software – all the boring stuff that helps an organisation run smoothly in the background. 

Website, branding and (grrr) Facebook

Thanks to one amazing website designer, we’ve built our website and branding package from scratch. We’ve worked hard to make the website clear and simple, and linked in with Calendly so that it’s easy as pie to schedule a meeting with us, even just for a casual chat to see what we’re all about. We’ve got our Facebook page, a Zoom account – all the bells as whistles to make sure we can connect with the community, make our aims and objectives clear, and start making a difference ASAP.

So how can you get involved?

Join our mailing list for updates on our progress, keep an eye out for upcoming FCGN Community Zooms and get in touch or schedule a catch-up – we are here to help!

small child under a plum tree laden with ripe plums