Fife Community
Garden Network

Providing support to Fife’s green spaces

What we do

A woman and a girl cooking food together in a community garden


We can offer free-of-charge, tailored advice to your community green space. Send an email or schedule a meeting for more information.

A woman standing in a community garden with a wheelbarrow full of harvested vegetables


We are working to develop a membership scheme to represent all community green spaces in Fife, as well as interested and supportive individuals.

A close up photo of a hand holding an open pea pod


FCGN is running a consultation (November 2023 - June 2024) to assess the current state of community gardens and community gardening in Fife.


Form part of our consultation and get your voice heard!

We’ve been working hard to reach out to all existing community gardens in Fife, but if you haven’t heard from us, please click below to get in touch.

Families sat around a table in a community garden


If you want to know more, book an information session with FCGN.